Monday, September 23, 2013

BMI Testing Opinion Piece

Alexa T.Dosreis


Period F

BMI Testing

                Many students worry about their grades on their report cards, social status, where they measure up to in life. But now students have to worry about a whole new measurement, their body mass index.  Schools in nineteen states already have started conducting annual tests and the results are sent home to inform their parents whether or not their child is considered to be overweight. Some families and health experts have started speaking out against this testing from worry it will hurt the child’s self-esteem, but others suggest it’s the best way to know whether a child’s weight is healthy or not. In today’s society health concerns are at an all-time high, ones physique is not considered to be healthy if considered to be overweight, and that should be business that stays between the parents and the physician, not written, recorded, and determined by the school whether or not the student deserves to be sent home with a “fat slip”.

                The Body Mass Index test is calculated by dividing their weight by the square of their height. Next this figure will be compared to growth charts that accounts for a person’s weight depending on the gender, age, and height of the child.  This is done so the results can be understood when compared to the rest of the students. A child or teen’s BMI that falls between the 85th and 95th percentile is considered to be overweight, any above is measured to be obese. Spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Larne Omojukin  Falusi, told ABC News BMI readings are the “best means we have to determine whether a weight is healthy or unhealthy,”( Medical Daily). This test is effective, but it should be done in private because this is a very sensitive matter. Students should not have to endure that uncomfortable moment where they feel belittled by the judgments passed by their own school, a place where they should feel comfortable and accepted.

                Michelle Obama is also a very big part in the encouragement of these testing in school. She comments on how the country needs to watch what they eat, and also discusses her daughters weight problem as well. She stated on national television, on a show called The View that her daughter indeed had a weight problem and never once spoke of herself as having one to. This is why weight should never be a matter of discussion outside the privacy of the home and parents. Michelle Obama is always attacking the weight of children; however parents need to teach their children how to eat properly so that way they will develop good eating habits at a young age. Education on your weight can be an even more efficient way to keep your weight down than receiving a “fat slip”.

                Schools should take the time to educate the kids on healthy food choices before they get to the stage of obesity so no child will ever have to feel insecure about what they are being perceived as to their peers. Since today’s society is so focused on the health of the younger generations then it’s necessary to educate them about food and keep the conversation private so that way when the child is feeling insecure they have someone who them can reach out to and trust to receive guidance.


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